Archive for rarities and b-sides

Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci in abundance – listen to two stunning playlists filled with b-sides and rarities

Posted in Music, Recommendations with tags , , , , , , , , on May 15, 2024 by dc


Throughout the 90’s and early 00’s I was mildly obsessed with, Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci. Growing up in North Wales I’d go to Liverpool and Manchester at weekends and soak up the music there but GZM were a band I always associated with home, a group who were distinctly Welsh but also had something of the hippified Cymru spirit to them.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been returning to their music even more than usual. It’s remained a constant throughout my adult life, but more recently it’s tapped into a little bit of homesickness on my part and that occasional need in middle-age to revisit memories from the past like they’re lovely warm blankets to snuggle up in. Their music always paints a big smile on my face.

As a delightful coincidence, whilst revisiting their albums, @heathensquirrel on Twitter reshared two GZM playlists from YouTube filled with b-sides and rarities from their mid-period. The playlists contain some of the band’s best work (Lucy’s Hamper, If Fingers Were Xylophones, Heart of Kentucky, Moon Beats Yellow, and Bocs Angelique, to name just five) and I immediately indulged in them, bookmarked them and asked if I could share them here.

So, enjoy the two playlists below. Whether you’re an ardent fan or a relative newcomer they do not disappoint…