Archive for drake

WTF is ‘Wah Gwan Delilah?’ and why?

Posted in Comedy, Music with tags , , , , , , , , , , on June 6, 2024 by dc


Three day’s after the release of Snowd4yWah Gwan Delilah‘ song featuring Drake, and still no-one knows wtf it is. Is it some kind of meta comedy satire? An AI piss-take? A weird viral in-joke? Or just another incredibly shit song featuring Drake?

If it turns out to be the former, then hats off, its one of the funniest things I’ve heard since puberty, but if it’s the latter, young Drizzy needs to check himself into rehab and get therapy sharpish.

If you’ve still not heard the ‘song’, the best way to be introduced to it is via No Life Shaq‘s lung clearingly funny reactions video below. I was an absolute wreck by the end of it…